InterRogerTories, or This Is Not an Advice Column
Happy birthday?
InterRogerTory: Dear Roger, I just celebrated a milestone birthday! Well, “celebrated” might not be the right word; my friend told me that she and some other friends were planning a […]
In home bowling league
InterRogerTory: Dear Roger, I know that living in a multi-unit building means that there will be noise. I have neighbors with dogs, and I am totally cool with the occasional […]
Drowning in Giving Tuesday emails
InterRogerTory: Response: Dear Overwhelmed, If you really want to make it stop, you can unsubscribe from each organization’s mailing list. Federal law, the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003, requires each “commercial […]
Family Traditions
InterRogerTory: Dear Roger, My favorite part of Thanksgiving is pumpkin pie. We have had pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving every year that I have been alive. My uncle is hosting our […]
A dog?!?
InterRogerTory: Response: Dear Lady Fluff, Oh my cat, this is a difficult situation for you. Remember that I cannot give you legal advice, but here is information that you can […]
Introducing Roger
InterRogerTory*: Dear Roger, Why isn’t this an advice column? Who are you? What can you help me with? WHAT IS THE ANSWER? Love, A desperate reader Response: Dear desperate reader, […]